Dr. Thomas George

Professor & Principal Investigator, AINP on Pesticide Residues, PRRAL, College of Agriculture, Vellayani
Attached Department:
Pesticide Residue Research and Analytical Laboratory
College of Agriculture, Vellayani
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Address (Residence):
Thengumpalliparampil, House No. 1A
Kamala Gardens
Peroorkada P.O Kerala 685 005
IndiaLand Phone No (Residence):
Graduated from KAU (B.Sc. Agriculture) in 1989 followed by PG and Ph.D in Agricultural Chemicals from IARI, New Delhi. Specialised in the field of Pesticide Residue analysis and environmental monitoring of pesticides and their transformation products. At present the Principal Investigator of AINP on pesticide residues and Central Sector Scheme on Monitoring of Pesticide Residues at National Level
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Thrissur Kerala 680656